
To enter contest, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Post a photo of yourself proudly wearing your Small Gym Strong Sweatshirt. Post on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #glitterstarz and #smallgymstrong.
  2. Follow the GlitterStarz page @Glitterstarzinc and Small Gym Strong page @smallgymstrong
  3. Tag 3 Friends in your post who love CHEER!
  4. Extra entries for posting on your IG or FB Story !
  5. Check back on 5.20.22 to see who won!

Note: All entries must be received by 5.18.22 to enter. All post entries must be public and viewable by GlitterStarz inc. Contest is not open to gyms who have previously won uniforms with GlitterStarz in the past calendar year (365 days). Contest is not open to Gyms who owe a balance to GlitterStarz, Inc. Winners of the contest will receive up to 10 uniforms (maximum) with maximum value per uniform $250. If additional uniforms are needed for the team, GlitterStarz will invoice accordingly. We thank you for your participation in this contest !

Link to Social Pages (click below)